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Monday 20 August 2012

Monday 20th August: Legs

Legs today: Squats
  • Bar x some
  • 3 x 8 x 50KG
Then continued in singles, hit a new PB on 77.5KG for a 1RM, pretty pleased, could have got slightly more no doubt if it was done before the working set.

The working set was 7.5KG's more than last week, so definitely working at too much of a light weight.

Finished with some goblet squats, bulgarian split squats and some calve raises. Walking shall be good tomorrow. Got a bit of tightness in my glute / back, so need to work it out.

Sunday 19 August 2012

19th August 2012 - Update

Apologies for the lack of updates, been well over a month now...Just been really busy with work.

As a smaller recap, I've been given the opportunity to do 4 Weeks freelance work for a company near me with good pay, couldn't really turn it down, so not had much time to update the blog. Rest assured, I have been training.

Seeing as I'm not at my usual place of work, I've been training at a new place for the last couple of weeks, which, by the way, I LOVE! Proper equipment, just awesome. Did a new Deadlift PB (only 115KG but still happy. I am now also squatting again, albeit lightly...I do however feel that I can beat my old PB now, as last Squat session (Monday 13th August) I got 5kg away from it after a 3x8 set prior, and definitely could have attempted, just seemed silly at the time. Tomorrow though, I think I will try it.

All in all, still hammering it (contrary to belief) and still on my cut, I was 82.8KG this morning (this will go up over night no doubt) but I'm hoping to adjust my diet a little to help get down to 80KG, then I will see how things are going and see if I need to go down to 75KG.

Anyway, I will hopefully update the blog again soon.
