As of April 2012:
Currently, I am following a straight forward three day split routine, consisting of Monday/Wednesday/Friday, training Legs/Chest/Back respectively, all other days are rest days. There is some Grip, Core and Isolation work thrown in on training days, however this will vary somewhat.
Generally speaking, I will not be following a set progression routine with regards to sets/reps. Instead, my aim is to increase the working weights over time during each cycle and use different rep ranges and / or weights each week, the theory being that my body will never know what is coming each week and hopefully using every training session to maximise growth. Strength will play it's part, but not in this chapter.
Every Gym session is also recorded in my note pad that I take with me, this will detail the reps and sets of any given exercise, whether or not I have failed somewhere, or if there has been any type of pain during the lift...I would advise anyone that trains to do the same thing, as it can be useful to look back over everything several months down the line.
***Update: July 4th 2012:***
It's come to my attention that I've got in to a set routine too much. I've been doing 3x8 one week, then 3x10, 3x12. And upping the weight on the 3x8 then leaving it at that for the next two, then I'll up it again once I've completed 3x12...This is wrong, and I should not be doing this week in week out.
I need to be changing things up more often, changing exercises around in a different order, changing the weights up or down and moving the reps up or down in according with the weight, and just generally changing things around depending on how strong I am feeling that day....I am training for hypertrophy (so 8 - 15 reps) not strength, and I need to keep that out of my head for now.
It has also come to my attention that my right shoulder gives me grief on flat BB bench press, for the time being, I'm going to remove it, and change it to Incline BB bench - And if my shoulder feels up for it, flat DB bench.